Are you stressing and feeling a little overwhelmed currently?

2 years ago

I am inviting you to join me for a free full body visualisation experience

I guarantee you will feel much better from turning up to leaving the experience

@ladstalkhealth we deliver unique healing experiences.

What is unique? The difference to these sessions compared to Reiki, Reflexology and other treatments, is that you will leave with your own answers and understanding.

Other therapy healing sessions heavily rely on the interpretation of the healer and often it is impossible to translate into words.

It helps you become more aware of your gut feeling, your truth

People leave with answers to questions, decisions that need to be made, knowings of what choice to make. It is always unique to the individual and we love taking people on journeys

It will be tomorrow at 7am uk time.
If you consistently added 30 minute of YOU time doing this in your week, within 21days you will experience some huge shifts in your life

Excited to share this with you tomorrow

Message me for any questions

#visualisation #healing #greatstart #health #happiness #connectivity #freedom

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