Tiny Mulligan - Moderna Severe adverse reaction - No Jab No Job

2 years ago

Tiny Mulligan
Moderna 17th November 2021
Severe Adverse Reaction

Tiny a Road train driver working for "Road Train Australia" pays the cost - NO JAB NO JOB results in on going injury and no answers.

Tiny tells his story 6th December from South Headland Hospital, Western Australia

Prior to the Moderna injection on 17th November Tiny was well and fit - He worked 15-hour days and never missed a days work.

He was told by his employer "Road Train Australia" that he had to get vaccinated so "No Jab No Job", so on the 17th November he had Moderna.

Within 20 minutes had a reaction and felt poorly, had severe chest pain, that was so bad he went to hospital, he Collapsed in hospital and over a 3 week period he went to the hospital 4 further times.

His pain in his chest it so bad he says it's like a brick sat on his chest, it's so bad he can't breath and has no feeling in his arm, he says it feel so ill.

Finally the hospital called him at home and said he had to be admitted and said they had found a "bug" he was admitted to hospital for treatment - They won't tell him what this "bug" is !!!

Doctors and nurses will not allow him to talk about the injection and they try to convince him it's not the jab - They are telling him they have another jab for him!!!

He feels scared as they want to jab him again.

It is stated on his hospital paperwork that he was fit and well before the 17th November (day of injection)

He is not receiving any financial support from the state or Road Train Australia

The hospital has not reported to adverse reaction to the TGA vaccine Reaction reporting system

He says no one wants to know or help if it's related to the injection

He said he has a friend that has had 2 seizures post C-19 injection and had to be flown to hospital.

Tiny wants everyone to know his story and if people want to get the jab its your choice but people must know the other side

Western Australia

Link can be seen here although we downloaded this story as it may be deleted from youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XMLKv5c-Tk

Reported by
Pilbara Freedom Keepers

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