Royal Rife Documentary

2 years ago

He is best known for a claimed 'beam ray' invention during the 1930s, which he thought could treat some diseases by "devitalizeing disease organisms" through vibration. The technology he described is now classified as a type of radionics device which has been rejected as an effective medical treatment.

Rife machine is a crystal generator designed to regenerate cells in the human body by producing sound waves compatible with the wellness needs of the cells. At birth the cells have a specific or "normal" frequency of wellness. But, due to mental, emotional, or physical trauma, or chemical toxins (internal and external, including synthetic cosmetics and pharmaceutical drugs), the frequency drops to the liveable threshold frequency for pathogens, i.e. viral, bacterial, fungal, parasites, etc. These pathogens now feel welcome and take up residence in cells.This is the onset of sickness and disease. The rife machine has specific codes for 550 different illnesses to help compliment the body's natural healing ability and facilitate bringing the body back to "normal" frequency and a return to health and wellness. 

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