Panoramic View for a Highly Polluted Thursday Morning 12-23-2021

3 years ago

I have put together some images taken at different spots between Calexico and El Centro to show that high levels pollution do not necessarily concentrate in Calexico, but engulf the entire valley. There's nothing moderate about the pollution levels in these images. Anyone can see that pollution levels are high throughout the entire region and that breathing this toxic air can be harmful to your health. This is just another attempt by Imperial Valley's Air Pollution Control District into fooling you that breathing this air is safe while this agency disparages our taxpayer dollars pretending to reduce air pollution levels. Air pollution is very harmful to human health, it’s actually a silent killer. How many people around you suffer from a pollution related illness? Air pollution is the 4th leading risk factor for early death worldwide. Here are some statistics that might help you understand the impact of air pollution on your health:

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