Christmas Real Dark Satanic Occult Meaning Of Santa Claus

3 years ago

Christmas Real Dark Satanic Occult Meaning Of Santa Claus

🎄🎅Christmas Holiday is a Satanic Pagan Ritual.🎅🎄

🎄Santa = Satan = Deceiver
🎄Christmas = MAS = Masonic = Masonic creation
🎄Mas in Hebrew is like Master or forced labor/slavery/ controlling something. Christmas is the control of Christ. They control the real story/history/meaning/narrative/origin of Christ.
🎄Claus/Clause is a contract/treaty. Santa Claus means Satan Clause so a contract with Satan.
🎄Ho Ho Ho = 666 = Laughing at you and your kids being deceived.
🎄Bring your kids with a wishlist and give them to unknown old pedo men and put your kids on his knees represent a satanic child sacrifice to Satan/Moloch.
🎄Satan Clause is a false idol and a deceiver. It is clear in the Bible. It's an old creepy man attracting kids with gifts. 🤷
🎄Satan/Santa Claus Red/White image people know today has been created/designed by Coca-Cola in 1931. The Coca-Cola logo is red/white as well. Red for the fire during child sacrifice and rituals.
🎄12 days of Christmas dec. 25th to Jan. 5 with the 6th known as the 13th day or Christmas. These are also known to be the days of darkness as they are the darkest days of the year of winter in the northern hemisphere. 3+10 days of darkness. 🤷
🎄Judgment Day = dec. 25th = Satan/Santa Claus give kids what they deserve (wishlist) for Christmas if they were good/bad during the year. Satan/False prophet deceiver is judging kids.
🎄 Christmas trees: Since when it is good to kill nature or trees to hang them and watch them die?
🎄Christmas Holiday = Festival of Yule where Santa in reality is Odin/Satan St-Nicholas=Nick=Demon of the north.
🎄Elves are spirits of the dead, entities and demons.

Satan/Santa is the first big lie every parent tells to their kids and continues lying for years. Since when it is good to lie? Since when in the Bible, it is good to lie to your own family and kids? We've all been lied to and deceived.

The first BIG deception in life is learning that Santa/Satan Claus does not exist and that their parents lied to them since they are born. This is completely destroying/impacting negatively the trust and confidence kids have with their own parents for the rest of their lives.

Since when it is good to deceive people or kids and traumatize them?

Satan/Santa Claus is an old unknown man pedo where people go give their kids to and put them on his Satan/Santa laps. This is a satanic ritual where people do wish lists of what they want in the next year and then sacrifice their children to Satan and put their kids on Mollock laps. Even Biden pedo likes to have kids on his laps.

Since when it is good to put your kids on an unknown disguised old untrusted man?
What jobs do you think old pedos first applied for?

Kids are doing a wish list of what they want and give to Satan/Santa, and he sees everything "like God" but not God so a deceiver. And he judge if kids were good or bad during the year. This is (Judgement Day). A form of unhealthy control over your kids to control their behavior. You lie and fool them to make sure they listen to you and stay good kids during the year. Form of blackmail, domination, and unhealthy control. Satan/Santa will not give you gifts this year if you don't do this or that... Your lying/fooling to your kids telling them: "You won't have this or that for Christmas if your not or don't do this or that...

It is time to wake up!
It is time for The Great Awakening.
Sorry if it ruined your FAKE Christmas rituals. But that is more important than lies.

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