3 years ago

If you do exactly what this says and show that you know your rights and calmly engage. They will let you be.

Record it if you can

Remember this is all you need to say

Stop them talking and ask for their warrant and full names

Ask 3 times for their warrant and names
They are likely to say no. Ask and ask again

Highlight that they are failing to comply with the Police Act 1996 for refusing to identify themselves as officers

Remind them that this is a 6 month prison sentence

You now will be able to and control the conversation

Next ask them if they are under oath?

They have to but reluctantly say yes

Then read out a part of
the Criminal Justice Act 2015
Section 26
Subsection 3

“A constable is committing an offence if he or she exercises their powers and privileges improperly and if they know they are acting improperly”

This is a 14 year prison sentence

Remember they are aware they are in violation of their oath and they are willingly keeping you there unlawfully which is a breach of the above act.

If they still go to arrest you like they did with me, remind them that they have been recorded, they have have been reminded of their oath, they are unlawfully arresting you and that you will be serving them a notice and charging them for each hour they keep you from going on your way

Charge £1000 an hour

Remember this will be with you and the constable who is breaking his oath

The police are here to serve the people and unfortunately they are being instructed by an evil corporation who do not care about them or us

Times are changing

Learn your rights and stand on your truth

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