3 years ago

I have had a few comments about my ego recently.

I often ask people to pay attention and observe their ego on many of my posts. Here is why

If we simplify our life to ego and soul
Every bad decision will be an egotistical decision which your soul actually lets you know, when you hear that voice “I told you so”

Which means every right decision you have ever made, is a soulful decision. Going with your gut feeling.

People say that I have ego and they are right. I do, we all do. The difference is, is that I have become very aware of mine over the last few years.

If we are unconscious, like most of us are for most of the time, it is very easy to let the ego take over.

Calling someone names and making it personal is certainly not soul, which means it is an egotistical response

Become aware of the ego and notice how often it is activated throughout the day. When we become aware of the egos reaction, we can then learn more about ourselves and why we behave the way we do

Become the observer

#ego #soul #present #bestself #becometheobserver #awareness #freedom

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