VdD7 Supernatural healing

3 years ago

From Death’s door on a a ventilator.
For 14 days, to awake, smiling, thankful and ready to start a new life, your prayers and standing in the gap for Franklin Scott Cooke while he could not has led to life and not death. From the whole Cooke family and VdD7Team, thank you for never swaying and doubting the Word of Adonai. To God be all the glory for all He has done!

Every nurse and doctor in the hospital can’t believe their eyes and this miracle has been a testimony to countless people already that Yeshua is alive, that He is for us, and not against us, so whom shall we fear! There is still a long road of recovery ahead, but the victory is won in Yeshua’s mighty name! Thank yiu again kingdom family, and as always, Adonai bless you and keep you!

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