Population cull in Russia: schoolchild at his desk keels over in mid-lesson because of quackzine

3 years ago

Evidently, the population cull knows no borders. Here we see a schoolchild, caught on the surveillance camera (who knew they had such trouble with discipline in Moscow that the schools need cameras on students! but I digress) when all of a sudden he keels over. It later turned out he was the victim of a heart attack which caused him to die before the arrival of doctors. The unfortunate event occurred in a district of Moscow named Lyubertsy, which is sometimes described as a working class suburb of the capital.

Let's call the culled student Vova. Vova trusted the adults to ensure that the substance they injected into him would protect him from some malaria with a 99.997% survival rate that was circulating in the air. Little did he suspect that it would poison him. The authorities took their chances with his life. At least the school-teacher feigns a show of concern rather than leaving him be for the janitors to collect along with the other rubbish as they go about their nightly duties.

It is sad that the authorities in Russia make these actuarial calculations, which just goes to show that those of us with sang-froid need to move to fortify the remaining strongholds of common sense, South Africa and Brazil.

Credit Instagram's @westi.sevastopol and @sevatopol_news24 with this video from late November 2021.

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