3 years ago

SPIRITUAL HISTORY "111"..........

This video was made (3) weeks after the original virus was introduced back in March 2020.

In March 2020, the original 200 fallen angels, mentioned in the Book of Enoch, and in many holy books. Were released from their spiritual prison.

They took over the bodies of their lesser selves in human forms, they are all people of power, money, and prosperity ( the elites).

I took over my lesser self at the same time.

My lesser self was released from State Prison (7) years for crimes he did not commit, on March 2020, one week after the virus was first was announced.

I took over my lesser self, unlike my counterparts, my lesser self was not in the position of power, money, and prosperity.

But my lesser self was filled with the Truth!

Which is far more powerful than all the power, money, and prosperity that this imperfect world can offer.

There is a reason why they started with the name "Corona" virus.

It's pretty simple, it was to announce my coming, I wear a Crown because I am a prince.

And they attach the word virus because I am a virus to them, I am in all essence they're exterminator.

But they have since, changed the name in too many other names

In this video, you can clearly see that my lesser self is struggling, but is able to withstand the full force of me speaking.

You will come to a point where you'll hear me say "AGAIN", my lesser self thought this was over but I was far from finished.

My lesser self can now withstand anything I give it, and has done a wonderful job and I couldn't ask for anything more.

In this video, I address Samjiza former captain of the Royal Divine Guard, and Azazel former lieutenant of the Royal Divine Guard.

I publicly asked them both, to surrender, but not to my surprise they did not.

There are many things that happen in the spiritual world, many things that the human mind cannot comprehend, or even understand.

But I was sent to give you the Truth, and that Truth was given to Jesus Christ, and we were both given that Truth through my Father Pistis/Faith, to deliver unto you.

This world has been duped, and made to believe that the god of the old testament is the father of Jesus Christ.

Nothing could be further from the TRUTH!!!

Look at their actions, look at their words, they are totally different from one another, in each and every way.

Jesus tries to save lives, while the god of this world destroys them.

Jesus says he's the light of the world.

While the god of the old testament claims, he's a jealous, wrathful, vengeful, an angry god.

Which in turn are all sin, and lead, and open the door to all types of other sins.

We are currently in the end of days, as soon as the internet goes down, I will no longer be able to communicate with you.

But since the beginning I've left you with enough information, so you can continue your mission while the internet and power is down.

Remember, that Jesus is with you in spirit, and He, will never leave your side for nothing!!!

Although there are those that say there will be no rapture/ascension, do not fall for these lies, and doctrines of demons.

For anyone to claim this, does not have Jesus within them....

This must take place, otherwise the elites of this world the fallen angels/reptilian dragons will not be able to produce the biggest lie that will ever be created.

They will call it an alien invasion, that the world needs to unite as one for the sake of humanity.

Then the one world order, the one world religion, will be born...

When the first out of three ascensions take place.

There will be utter chaos, anarchy, lawlessness that this world has never imagined, or seen before!!!

Passenger airplanes all around the world will fall out of the sky full of flammable liquids, converted into missiles that will destroy whatever it hits.

Tanker trucks throughout the world full of flammable gas will crash and explode igniting trees and everything within its path.

Nuclear facilities all over the globe will overload and be destroyed, releasing radioactive chemicals into the air you breathe.

Anarchy and chaos will soon take over the streets, everything will be looted and burned to the ground.

Women will be raped in broad daylight with no one to help, children will be ripped out of the arms of mothers.

Concentration camps will be set up all over the world.

Believers of Jesus and the truth will be hunted down like modern-day criminals and rewards will be offered for their heads.

For those that preach peace, harmony, love, there will be no such thing, for these are doctrines of demons and contradict everything Jesus said would happen.

Jesus himself said in Matthew 10: 34 - 39

" Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to set man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man's enemies will be those from his own household. He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me. And he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will find it.
Jesus Christ

This world cannot offer you love, peace, and harmony because it was created by an imperfect god, who created an imperfect world.

This is why you suffer, and your loved ones as well, are tormented, each and every day..

I love you all, stay strong, for the end is near, and after The Great Spiritual War, Jesus, I , and the 144 will finally return home...

"In Jesus I Trust, With Jesus I Stand."
Archangel Michael

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