Ivermectin Study Suspiciously Halted Due To Supply Issue

3 years ago

1. One week after Jennifer Cobb announced she would be pursuing a case against her gymnastics coach for childhood grooming, she was found dead by hanging. FBI are run by pedophiles and they killed her.
2. Back in 2007 film director Aaron Russo during an interview explained how he was told by Nicholas Rockefeller that they intended to microchip every human on the planet.
3. Woman Dies In Australian Concentration Camp Of Alleged Medical Negligence
4. Ivermectin Study Suspiciously Halted Due To Supply Issue, They're Either Lying or Incompetent. They blame shortage of ivermectin to stop the study and also started treatment too late.
5. Alex Jones exposes the leftist authoritarian fascist attempting to push for eradication of the 1st and 2nd amendments to combat a 'cult of constitution.' The communists want to take your guns and they call freedom of speach, white supremecy.
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