Dr. Peter McCullough - Joe Rogan - All about COVID, Vaccines and Censorship.

3 years ago

Mirrored: Of the COVID-19 deaths in the U.S., none received adequate and/or early-enough treatment. At least 85% of COVID deaths were preventable.
There are three components to SARS-CoV-2 infection: viral replication, cytokine storm and blood clotting, therefore necessitating a multidrug approach, and treatment must begin early to be effective.
Research published in 2006 showed hydroxychloroquine reduced viral replication of SARS-CoV-1 (the original SARS virus). It also has well-established anti-inflammatory properties. These two properties help explain its usefulness against COVID-19.
There were clear intentional efforts to prevent use of hydroxychloroquine against COVID-19, likely in an effort to make the COVID jabs appear necessary.
You cannot get COVID-19 twice; those with natural immunity have robust, long-lasting immunity. The Pfizer COVID shot, meanwhile, has been shown to have undetectable effectiveness 201 days after the second dose and Moderna’s effectiveness reaches zero around day 121.
If you could only listen to one podcast to get up to speed on COVD-19, you are in luck as one of the top clinicians in the world on understanding COVID-19, Dr. Peter McCullough, finally made his way to the largest podcast in the world, Joe Rogan and, as expected, it was epic. You will do yourself a serious disservice if you don't watch the entire, nearly three-hour, interview at normal speed.
McCullough is an internist, cardiologist and epidemiologist, and in this podcast, he reviews and summarizes what we know about the COVID jabs. McCullough also discusses the importance of early treatment, which has been universally suppressed and ignored from the start.
He's convinced, and states unequivocally in this interview, that of the COVID-19 deaths in the U.S., none received adequate and/or early-enough treatment. In short, people did not, and certainly don't now, need to die from this infection, barring some serious underlying condition.
It's treatable, and later variants, such as Delta and Omicron, appear generally milder than the original virus, resulting in even easier-to-treat illness. From early on, researchers and clinicians demonstrated that early treatment, be it with hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin or steroids and anticoagulants — in some combination — resulted in far better outcomes and saved lives.
When you just let the infection run its course without treatment, most COVID-19 patients were riddled with blood clots and other complications by the time they were hospitalized. According to McCullough, we know that at least 85% of all COVID deaths could have been avoided with early treatment.

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