Happy Winters Solstice 12/21/21

2 years ago

Psalm 66:8
Give blessings to our God, O you peoples, let the voice of his praise be loud

For many, the winter solstice may not seem like a noteworthy day. But the day has astronomical, cultural and religious significance for people all over the world. Celebrations of the lighter days to come and nature’s continuing cycle have been common throughout cultures and history with feasts, festivals and holidays around the December Solstice.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the winter solstice happens in December. It marks the day with the shortest period of daylight and the longest night of the year. Although winter is the season of dormancy, darkness and cold, the December Solstice marks the "turning of the Sun" and the days slowly get longer.

If we view the wonders of God’s creation the way He wanted us to, we can also consider what Paul said in Romans 1:20 and allow this time of year to help us appreciate one of the many wonderful things that God has created. Paul wrote, “For since the creation of the world, His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead.”
The winter solstice simply marks a key point in the wondrous procession of the seasons that God has created. For those in moderate climates, it would be weird to imagine October without autumn colored leaves or May without beautiful budding flowers. All of the seasons were beautifully sculpted by the hands of God to create our world.

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