Lead By Choice | Live By Heart Today #36

2 years ago

LBHT #36 - Dawn and Wendy continue their heart to heart about being pro-active with how we can lead our lives by choice and design rather than by being a victim to circumstances.

When we step into the role of being our own leader, we soon begin to recognize opportunities that are present that we were unable to notice before.

As we begin to exercise our power of choice, we exert our will; this is where our true willpower resides: willfully making choices.

Our choices determine our experiences and actions or lack of them as not making a choice is still a choice.

With heart coherence practice, we can begin to make appropriate choices that create our desired outcomes.

Join us as Dawn and Wendy share how the practice of heart coherence practice can help us be open to new possibilities and make better choices that lead us to a life we love.

This show is a part of the Season 3 topic: Being Proactive. Each show is a self-contained mini-discourse that progressively compounds over its Season to support an over-arching topic of Self development.

Live By Heart Today is hosted by Dawn Spiegelberg, a Medical Intuitive and Coherence Coach and Wendy R Wolf, a Professional Transformation Facilitator. Produced and distributed by Retro Earth Studio.

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