December 21, 2021

2 years ago


A quick exercise to stimulate your mind which will increase your sensory output

We always hear the saying, The eyes to the soul. Well this is a great way to connect to your soul

Your soul is your truth, it is your intuition always showing you what to do

We spend far too much time in our thoughts and yet EVERY experience we have is with our 5 senses. Our thoughts are not part of our senses.

It is time to get out of our head

Every morning when you wake up, perform this exercise using your eyes. How often do you train your eyes

If you are left handed do the opposite of this
Hold each stare for 30 seconds.

First, stare forward and then up to the left. This stimulates the part of the brain which helps visual memory.

Then stare forward and down to the left. This stimulates auditable memory

Stare down to the right and this increases haptic memory which is touch

Look up to the right and this creates visual expressions

Straight forward and right is auditable expression

Straight and to the left is audible memory again

In between your eyebrows stimulates the third eye. It is inner light making you present. If we work at this area we increase the amount of light allowing us to stimulate past, present and future all at the same time. Our intuition

Staring at the nose increases our sense of smell

And staring at the tongue increase our sense of taste

I have attempted this this week and If you do this before a meditation, it really increases your experience

Our eyes our so powerful and something we should spend more time on looking after

Time to connect to our souls

@deepakchopra @chopra

#braintraining #brainstimulation #meditation #mind #body #soul #exercise #returntosource #bepresent #positivity #soulcoach

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