Addressing the Transgender movement with the DISD School Board

3 years ago

I was able to share a great resource book with the Decatur ISD school board on 12-20-21. I only had three minutes, but I trust our school board will do the right thing.

Full transcript below.

Thanks for your time and God bless!


#TheLstandsforLiberty #WiseCounty #Texas #Republican #Transgender

Good evening. First off, I’d like to thank each of you for your service to our community. It’s truly appreciated.
As you may be aware, there’s an epidemic impacting children across the planet, including many here in Decatur. I’m not speaking of a virus; I’m speaking of an insidious ideological movement which is taking root in the minds of our children, and it comes cloaked under the guise of tolerance, acceptance, and even love.
I’m speaking of the Transgender movement. I want to start by clarifying I am not speaking ill of any child who is struggling with this, and there are indeed kids in Decatur who claim they’re trans or cisgender. I have nothing but compassion for them. The reason I’m speaking up is to help them, not to condemn them.
What I am speaking against is the ideology itself and those who espouse it, whether through legislation, corporate policy, or school policy (visa vie the “gender unicorn” and other gender identity policies). The clear scientific and medical evidence shows how physically and psychologically damaging this is to children who fall victim to it (whether due to pressure from peers, social media, or even their parents), yet it continues to be promulgated in every facet of our society. We have a duty to ensure the children, parents, and educators of our community are protected.
A few facts to consider:
In just 7 years, there has been a 2,000% increase in children seeking treatment for sexual identity confusion
Puberty blocking hormone usage and cross-sex hormones produce long term sterility and many children are provided these hormones on their very first visit to a clinic
Roughly 80-95% of children who experience some level of gender dysphoria come to accept their biological reality as adults, so long as medical treatments are not administered
For those who undergo these irreversible surgical measures, their suicide rates as adults are 20 times higher than the general population
This is legitimately a life and death issue. Unfortunately, all this medical intervention is happening in Texas thanks to the failures of our Republican elected officials, but it’s our job to address this in Wise County.
I’m here today for two reasons; to inform and to exhort. I’m informing by providing each of you with these resource guides which address all of this. This provides schoolboards, administration, teachers, and counselors with solid data and sound science to help develop policies and procedures to respond effectively and compassionately to this issue.
I’m exhorting by asking you to immediately begin implementing the measures provided, as this is not coming to Decatur. It’s here, right now, and it cannot be ignored. It affects ALL of our children, everyone on staff, and our entire community.
Thank you for your time, God bless each of you, and have a Merry Christmas.

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