Paul Varelans LAST INTERVIEW (ep. 5)

3 years ago

Chris Lytle and his #LytesOut Podcast team of Mike Davis and Miguel Iturrate get together for another of their interview series, this time with MMA pioneer Paul Varelans.

Varelans list of opponents reads like an early who's who of "NHB" history as he has faced the likes of "Tank" Abbott, Marco Ruas, Igor Vovchanchin, Mark Kerr and Carlos Barreto just to name a few.

"The Polar Bear" was in Atlanta and he continued to follow the sport of MMA. We found him ready to share his memories. A unique interview with an unsung hero of our great sport.

Interview Taped (August of 2020 last known interview)

R.I.P. Paul Varelans, gone but not forgotten. (September 17th, 1969 – January 16th, 2021)

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More great, short clips from our full length #DEEPDIVE interviews -

Regrouping after UFC 2 & NOT Hiding form Critics - Fred Ettish

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SPEEDOGATE "Dana Gave Me A Performance Bonus" / Brian Ebersole -

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Mike - @mikedavis632
Miguel - @iturratem

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