The Weekly Energy Foresight for December 20-26, 2021

2 years ago

Tarot Cards:
The Nightmare Before Christmas
by: Minerva Siegel
artwork by: Abigail Larson

Oracle Cards:
ArchAngel Gabriel
by: Hay House

🎁 December 20-26, 2021

Four Of Presents (Pentacles)

Holidays can be hard, especially if we are holding onto past issues as if they are a life preserver!

You may be feeling very nostalgic because of the holidays, and this may lead to reminiscing about old hurts, past pressures, or not such great ghosts of holidays past.

But this card is reminding you to let that old stuff go! Take some time for self-care and release those old issues once and for all so that you can enjoy the merriment and festivities!

Create some bright new memories - some that will be talked about for the ages 🎄

😇 Mid-Week - 20-23
Creative Expression

👼 End-Week 23-26
Let Go

🎉 Observances:
20 - International Human Solidarity Day
21 - Winter Solstice
- Yule
- National Homeless Persons Remembrance Day
- Crossword Puzzle Day
- Humbug Day
- National Flashlight Day
- Sun Enters Capricorn
22 - Forefathers Day
- National Date Nut Bread Day
23 - National Roots Day
- National Re-Gifting Day
- National Pfeffernusse Day
- Between Celtic Tree Month
24 - Christmas Eve
- National Eggnog Day
- Celtic Tree Month Of Birch
25 - Christmas Day
- National Pumpkin Pie Day
26 - Kwanzaa
- Proclamation Day: AUS
- National Thank You Note Day
- National Candy Cane Day
- Boxing Day: CAN
- Last Quarter Moon

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