Protests ask for freedom, Civil Disobedience begins to take your freedom back!

2 years ago

A group of concerned citizens that know what is really going on is bravely going into stores without masks, to assert their natural given freedoms. Sorry, but we had to edit out some faces, for privacy of course.
The unvaccinated are being blamed and discriminated against and the mask wearing is part of the game of control that they are playing with us. Take back your freedoms. Don't comply. The shots don't even work, yet they will go to any lengths to get you take them. Don't fall for the fear mongering. Yes, apparently there is a virus and it mutates, as all viruses do, but the shots are not the answer. There is treatment out there, but Big Pharma doesn't want you to believe in it. Meanwhile, the young vaccinated people are being harmed by these shots, when Covid wasn't even a concern for the young and healthy. Please start to question what they are telling you. Also, do not believe what the mainstream media is telling you, as they are bought off, like most systems, they are corrupt. It's time to see the truth.

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