YG Set Up Drakeo The Ruler homie K7 says

2 years ago

@VideoMattPresents Drakeo the Ruler, whose surrealist slang made him one of the most original stylists in Los Angeles hip-hop, died Sunday morning from injuries after a stabbing at the Once Upon a Time in L.A. festival. He was 28. Drakeo The Ruler homie K7 says YG is banned from performing in LA because he set Drakeo up to get stabbed in killed, gives a-lot of details Flushed face RIP DRAKEO THE RULER #ripdrakeotheruler #drakeo #DrakeoTheRuler

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Drakeo the Ruler, who helped define the sound of L.A. hip-hop, dead at 28 in stabbing

After being discovered by local hip-hop production hero DJ Mustard, Drakeo helped define the region’s evolving rap sound, alongside peers like 03 Greedo, G Perico and Shoreline Mafia, in the wake of imaginative, challenging superstar acts of the 2010s like Tyler, the Creator and Kendrick Lamar.

On 2016’s “Impatient Freestyle,” he began with an evocative boast — “If I could write a movie I would re-create ‘The Exorcist’ / I’m heaven-sent, n— think twice who you messing with” — before quickly turning to the deprivations of jail: “Giving n— hell ‘cause up top they say the beds was full.”

Comedian Louis CK asks Donald Rumsfeld asked about Reptilians on the Opie & Anthony show

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Happy Trees

Or maybe it isn't important. UnderstandingEvil.com describes how to tell if you're "under assault" by reptilians; "Protector of Mankind" writes at Alien-UFOs.com that you can be a "reptilian/human hybrid." It sort of varies. But according to Icke, this is how it works.

Thousands of years ago, the reptilian beings [from the constellations Orion, Sirius, and Draco] intervened on planet Earth and began interbreeding with humans. Not physically, however, but rather through the manipulation of the human coding, or DNA. Icke states that it is no coincidence that humans have fundamental reptilian genetics within their brain.
Whatever. The point being that it is easy to tell when you have or someone you know has been possessed by a reptile from outer space. While Icke doesn't describe how to spot someone who has been manipulated by/merged with a reptilian — probably to protect his lucrative speaking circuit revenues—others have. The common signs (according to one source):

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