The David Knight Show 20Dec21 - Unabridged

3 years ago

The 3 hr show is broken into approximately 20 minute segments. Here are topics in each segment…

Hr 1 Seg 1:

*Some changes that are happening the podcast
*Letter from FedEx worker about illness 2020 vs 2021
*Biden’s Christmas wish for the unvexed “You will get sick and die”

Hr 1 Seg 2:

*Biden’s Build Back Better — BUSTED! Manchin puts a lump of coal in the Christmas stocking of Prog Democrats, striking a blow against GreenReset and TRILLIONS of unfunded spending
*Centralizing Control of Energy Use: NYC War Against Natural Gas. By 2024, NYC will ban use of natural gas for hot water heaters, HVAC, ranges and ovens. More overburdening of power grid as they simultaneously attack power generation. There’s a reason — the GreenReset a.k.a., GreatReset

Hr 1 Seg 3:

*Kamala is triggered when asked “who is the REAL president”
*Physician’s satire: Government Mandates New Car Every 6 Months to Stop Highway Deaths
*Biden pushes the idea that tornadoes are increasing & caused by climate change — easily debunked by SCIENCE (actual science)
*Pelosi pushes back against any regulation of her insider trading — claiming “Free Market”, LOL
*Trump says McConnell has to go. Not tough enough
*A look at pastors who cynically use Trump instead of giving him the “tough love” he needs as a fellow human being in need of Christ

Hr 2 Seg 1:

*Continuation of Trump’s “pastor” friends — who are neither pastor, nor friend to him
*False prophecies about Omicron from CDC and its crystal ball (bogus modeling)
*UK health official caught continually overstating Omicron

Hr 2 Seg 2:

*NFL has to postpone games because so many vaccinated players test positive. SOLUTION? Test only the unvaccinated
*Former England football player calls out the heart issues — NOT normal. Never saw a single case of it in his 17 yrs playing.
*Physician blurs out his face and disguises his voice to speak truth about the heart issues with vaccines. It’s MUCH worse than you’ve been told.

Hr 2 Seg 3:

*Reuters reports that Gates’ “charities” have ceased giving immigrants vaccines since there’s no state giving liability protection to BigPharma for these stateless persons
*Study compares health conditions of vaccinated children vs unvaccinated. Anywhere from 4 to 30 times higher incidence of various disease that were previously “rare”

Hr 3 Seg 1:

*Shameless, DIRECT MARKETING & targeting of children for vaccination, abortion, gender gaslighting — removing parental rights and notification

Hr 3 Seg 2:

*Amazing Spidey Sense: Movie Theaters Are NOT Dead — Woke Hollywood is Dead. While other studios Marvel at social engineering & internet streaming, Sony’s Spidey sense is tingling, telling them theatres, not web-slinging and entertainment, not political reeducation are the key to profits. Will “woke” Spielberg’s next project be a remake of “White Christmas” as a global warming cautionary tale?

Hr 3 Seg 3:

*Austin’s former police chief and BFF of Alex Jones, after ever decreasing tenure at various cities, will now be a CNN gun control advocate.
*Toddler killed after 5 different people separately report child abuse. Police dismiss the reports as bigotry against lesbians.
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