Tarot By Janine: Reading Alex Collier's info. (Navigating the madness VIDEO link below).

3 years ago

Reptilians, Adrenochrome, 5D, White hats, Black hats, Rothchilds & Rockefellers, Extra terrestrials, the human has 22 races of DNA, Demonic rituals, etc. Navigating the Madness! Alex Collier, Laura Eisenhower & Nino Rodriguez you can watch the video here: https://www.cosmicnews.org/2021/12/09/alex-collier-laura-eisenhower-nino-rodriuez-live/ PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, AND SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEO'S LIKE THIS! All of my content is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be taken as fact. None should be considered legal, Medical, or Financial advice. Please do your own research or seek out and consult with professionals.
All credit for this video goes out to
Sending Ravens with Tarot by Janine https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO0zntekHfQ3buwz5fOuJIQ. Other links:
David Nino Rodriguez https://www.bitchute.com/channel/D7jTmDC4y779/ Laura Eisenhower@https://cosmicgaia.org/ Alex Collier Alex Collier.org &

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