3 years ago

I’ve experienced a lot more resistance with my posts over the last few weeks and have found myself getting frustrated ,wound up and wasting lots of time and energy.

What makes it more crazy, is that most of these people I do not know, or know from my past that have not one significance in my life.

There is a clear divide right now, some people literally can not see what is going on and their ego takes over. Our egos will feed off of theirs and then we get caught in an exchange that does not serve us.

BLOCK THEM. Stop wasting your energy on these people. You will all have some people that constantly respond to everyone of your posts, and it winds you up. Block them. Watch their ego at this point, they will still try find a way to contact you. Let them be. They will come round at some point

Family members if you are constantly at each other’s throats, take yourself away for a period.

I work with clients who have cancer and they have to protect all their energy. In many cases, they literally stop contact with many of their family whilst they heal. Look at the bigger picture, being selfish for your own health and happiness for a few months, will give you so much more to life in the long run.

When the truth comes and it will be coming soon now, these people are the ones that are going to have to change. Ego will be going on the stretcher, our job is to connect with their souls

Take some time away from the negative energy. Amongst all the ney sayers, there are millions of people around the world that have very similar views to you. Amazing connections are forming all over and it’s amazing to experience

These people light you up, they listen to your points and you listen to theirs. Truth is what we see all searching for

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