John Paradise Returns Interview on The Paul Leslie Hour (audio)

3 years ago

John Paradise returns to The Paul Leslie Hour.

Ladies and gentlemen, you are tuned in to The Paul Leslie Hour. Make yourself at home.
This episode is the return of John Paradise. The very interesting Mr. Paradise is a writer, music aficionado, live music taper and archivist, singer, and is also known as a non-mainstreamer, and an amateur philosopher.

The Paul Leslie Hour would like to thank all of the generous listeners who keep the show going. Want to be among them? Just go to

And ladies and gentlemen, please be aware. The views and comments made by the guests on this show are not necessarily the opinion of The Paul Leslie Hour or any of the talent or associates of the show. If you have a problem with something someone says, maybe you should stop being such a baby.

Let’s go to Paradise, that is, the second interview of John Paradise, here on The Paul Leslie Hour.

The Paul Leslie Hour is a talk show dedicated to “Helping People Tell Their Stories.” Some of the most iconic people of all time drop in to chat. Frequent topics include Arts, Entertainment and Culture.

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