Covid Revealed: Episode 2

2 years ago

He’s one of THE Kennedys, nephew to John F. Kennedy, and let’s just say he is a force to be reckoned with. Robert is fearless. Seriously! What’s even more fascinating than his lineage is his track record… He’s been standing up to the powers-that-be his entire life: Big Pharma, Big Tech, Government groups, Monsanto/Roundup, etc., you name it, he’s won multiple times in court. That’s unheard of. He’s uncovering huge secrets.
Secondly, we welcome back Dr. PETER McCULLOUGH
Back with even more hard-hitting information. In an effort to treat C0VID patients, Dr. McCullough along with an entire team of doctors came together to try and form specific protocols for hospitals to use on the front lines. They tested alternative treatments that you get the details on in this episode. Their protocols turned out to be more than just effective. But regardless of how much data there was in support of these methods, they ended up being rejected. You won’t believe the reasons why…
Thirdly, Patient Testimonial: Meet Stephanie (Mom) and Maddie (Daughter)
You take your kid to get their shot only to hear, days later, from your spouse: “They’re having some adverse reaction to the vaccine. I don’t know what’s going on…” Maddie went from a regular, energetic teen, to being in a wheelchair drained of life and left with questions of what to do now… This one is very eye opening on how injured patients are treated and dealt with.

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