Social Media & The Narccistic Obsessive Pop Culture

3 years ago

A deep dive into the realm of a Pop Culture and Social Media phenomenon that seems to be taking society by storm. What might family and identity, faith and spirituality, or mainstream clown world entertainment have to do with it? What truly "is" the Thot Process?

"For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy..." 2 Timothy 3:2 End Time Signs Here Now.

WARNING *Adult-oriented hyper over-sexualized examples that lead young kids into following idols into very unhealthy views of themselves and others. Phones, Social Media, and the Overal Breakdown of the family unit have unleashed a devastating Apocalyptic self-occupied plague that fuels PRIDE like maybe nothing we have seen before!

This video covers the psyche behind the unending need to promote self by constantly looking for approval of others with manipulation of all kinds. Without this self-aggrandizing celebration of self, kids and adults can suffer deeply. Christ Jesus came to save the lost. Be in prayer for these people.

Narcissism is the term used in psychology to describe a preoccupation with self. It is a Greek term taken from the name of the mythological Narcissus, who fell in love with his own image and was doomed to die because he would not turn away from it. A narcissist is a person who displays a high level of selfishness, vanity, and pride. He sees everything from a “how does this affect me?” perspective. Empathy is impossible for the narcissist because his only perspective is the one centered on self. In psychology, narcissism is seen as a broad spectrum of conditions ranging from normal to pathological.

The Bible says that we are born sinful since the fall (Romans 5:12). This means that we are born with only sinful tendencies and no ability to be “good” or righteous on our own. What we call “human nature” the Bible calls “the flesh” (Galatians 5:19-21). Part of our sin nature is a total focus on self. This focus, also called “egocentrism,” is how babies see and experience the world. Narcissism is like egocentrism in that the adult still relates to the world like an infant, a perspective that impedes personal growth and relationships.


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