R.I.P. Brian Gassaway (August 7, 1972 – October 16, 2021)

3 years ago

#BrianGassaway #UFC #UFCHistory

R.I.P. Brian Gassaway

In this segment, we talk about the life and career of MMA veteran Brian Gassaway with his brother, MMA veteran Wes Gassaway and Gary Myers, who helped the Gassaway brothers get started in the world of No Holds Barred back in 1996.

Brian Gassaway. Gone, but not forgotten. Thank you very much to Wes Gassaway for joining us just days before the funeral. Brian will be buried on Friday, October 22nd, 2021.

Note - some internet sources listed October 17th 2021 as the DOD, the family requested it be corrected to the correct date - October 16, 2021

Brian's former business partner set up a GOFUNDME page for Brian and it is very close to the goal - please donate if you are able -

Photo Credits: Keith D. Mills, Author of "A Declaration of the Independents." A true photographic documentation of the early NHB and MMA years from a man who was there.

Buy the book on Amazon -

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Outro song: Power - https://tunetank.com/t/2gji/1458-power

R.I.P. Brian Gassaway

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