Iodine Miracle (Evidence Based), Restore Health, Heart; Remove Fluoride, Bromide, Cloride, Metals

3 years ago

Iodine is required by every organ in the body, in order for it to function. This video present my experiences of the mixing instructions I use to get therapeutic amount of Iodine (Lugol's Iodine), and my personal experiences of the life changing miraculous effects that it had in my life. This video provides information about my experiences and healing of life long degenerative arthritis and the removal of fluoride, heavy metals, toxins, and calcification of the joints and muscles / body, (and organs), that I once thought was just old age setting in and found it was toxification, mineral deficiencies ... Everyone is so different and I in no way am advising anyone to do as I do; and I would advise you to go through your health professional, who knows and can monitor your needs...

In order to heal, one MUST do all they can to remove toxins from their bodies through various cleanses, from consumption, and from the home... Do exercise, sweat toxins from the body; it is also critical to have at least one bowl movement every day, and drink adequate water, to remove the toxins in a healthy way.

Magnesium deficiency is so prevalent, that Dr. Carolyn Dean wrote the book called the Magnesium Miracle... Dr. Dean has numerous lectures and interviews on YouTube that are very informative. Here is one on the magnesium that I highly recommend, as it will also change your life if you glean and apply, from her medically backed research and recommendations

Natural Salts / minerals are something I and I would guess most of us are severely deficient in ... Here is an eye opening video I highly recommended... It is a video lecture by Dr. Brownstein based on his book called Salt Your Way to Health and if you glean from this amazing Doctors research, and recommendations, it will also change your life

Here is one of many eye opening research based yutube videos from Dr. Brownstein, on the importance of iodine.

Dr. Brownstein did over a decade of research before he found Lugols Iodine to work far better than other Iodine. Make Lugol's iodine or buy it on Amazon. buy it on amazon in the 5 percent and 2 percent 2 ounce bottles; the reviews are very informative as well (Crows brand is what I started with. We then took it for a few months and just started making our own and save! Here is a video link on how to make it and you can buy the iodine crystal and potassium iodide crystal and make a quart for around 35 or so bucks .... youtube video on DIY how to make 5-6% lugols iodine

Here is the detailed Iodine supplementation guide PDF it

Here is one of the better laid out presentations on iodine needs, from dr. Group. He does try to sell his iodine in the end, but the info is very well laid out and is a must see...

The previous video of Dr, Group gets lots of his medical research from Dr. Brownstein and any of Brownsteins youtube videos are great, but here is one interview with Dr. Mercola and Dr. Brownstein thats very good and addresses Fukashima and iodine supplementation as well as getting iodine from kelp
problems, that is excellent
This is part 1

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The information provided in this video is based upon my experiences and is entirely for educational purposes only. My experiences and opinions are for information purposes only and the links provided are for information only and not advice. Every person is unique and their situations and needs are unique; so it is prudent to always seek the professional advice of your practitioner, doctor, or professional care giver, before doing anything.

This information is not intended as a prescription, prognosis, or diagnosis for any disease, or illness; and should not be used as a replacement for any medical treatment you may be currently undergoing. The information provided is solely the opinion and experiences of the individual present in the video and is again for educational purposes only. Application of the information provided without supervision of a licensed medical doctor is done so and the individuals own risk.

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