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Just Being Me

3 years ago

Just being me.... so you ask why is she on a leash? well shes NOT always on a leash! We choose to raise Gaitlyn outside of a cage! She would rather be out with us but at times when I'm cooking or cant have all eyes on her shes on a leash for her safety! Hot stove, Medicine Cabinet, She can open doors and locks just to name a few! SO FOR HER SAFETY VS A CAGE this is what we choose. She is a family member she loves to be with us and around us so this is just what works for us and her at times! ENJOY! Life with a Monkey!! Sometimes shes chill and will play and be quiet and others shes busy into whatever she can find to entertain herself! 💕🐒
Gaitlyn Rae 10 years old black cap Capuchin born in the US! Resides in NC with her human family.
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Thanks in Advance to All


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