Neil Oliver "Don't Make Christmas Past the Future"; Queensland Border Opens, World News 12/19/21

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On today's episode of TOP News Stories From Around the World:

GB News Presenter, Neil Oliver, knocks another witty and poignant monologue on freedom vs tyranny out of the Charles Dickens park. Oliver uses Tiny Tim & Ebenezer Scrooge to tell a tale of Christmas past and how we should refuse the doom & gloomers creating fear and anxiety like the children of the ghost of Christmas future. We can laugh & smile. We can & should celebrate the coming of Christ & remember the wisemen bringing gold, Frankincense, & covid... I mean myrrh. Come on guys- life is about living & loving. This is Oliver's message & it's worth listening to in full.

Down under Queenslanders, who have been imprisoned, away from family and friends in their own country, were freed like pups rescued from a shelter- now able to embrace loved ones they have been needlessly separated from for almost 2 yrs....yes. 2 yrs. But you must worry... 4 cases have been identified.

Freedom lovers around the world took to the streets yet again in Italy, London, Glasgow, Melbourne, and Canada as the Netherlands announced more soul crushing measures squashing all Christmas joy.

BoJo is still in hot water as Lord Frost issues a scathing resignation statement against passports & totalitarian measures.

Finally, say a prayer for the Philippines as Typhoon Odette slammed into the cost causing devastation, taking several lives. All of that and much more- coming up!

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