Controlled opposition networks and psychological operations led to control our minds and behaviours

2 years ago

Psychological operations led by controlled opposition are meant to control our minds and manipulate us psychologically and emotionally. Waking up from denial is hard as it requires for us to renounce to our deepest wishes and desires and deprogram them. To awaken from the spell and hypnotism, the pain we have tried to escape from has to be faced. Detaching from these narratives is a mind, emotional, psychological and spiritual process. The angles of deception are multiple. These ventures are usually opening the exploration to another big black cube under control and handling. Which line won't we cross ?

Deprogramming material on

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~ "Discerning disinformation, controlled opposition and unconscious matrix agents and learning to see and feel through deception"

~ "External authority programming, shame projections and herd mentality: on cubical mind structures and how researchers become unconscious mind-controlled handlers"

Deprogramming one-on-one session to overcome abusive and handling patterns and reclaim parts of our sovereignty:​


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