Walking the Path of the Warrior... MAX IGAN

2 years ago

Stop, Think Critical, Under-Stand, Stop Spelling...
I "stood under" this corruption and under stood. Knowing the absolute fraud of it all... all over this plane, on which we exist. What is our existence all about? Think on that.
Quit reading newz paper spelling 30+ yrs ago. Quit watching any MSM. I equally despise the goddamned TV's snatching my ears while I PUMP GAS! An unwanted invasion of mind-time. The They do not want you to have mind-time, unless you are MINDING them!
Seeing images of huge cities with hypnotizing lights, screens, teeming with smut! Sidewalks filled with awestruck idiocy.
I'm free from any addiction of watching or listening to anything that comes from that stinking cesspool of duplicitous criminals.

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