Scilla-🏴‍☠️ Information Gathering tool 🏴‍☠️ - DNS / Subdomains / Ports / Directories enumeration

2 years ago

Examples 💡
DNS enumeration:

scilla dns -target target.domain
Subdomains enumeration:

scilla subdomain -target target.domain

scilla subdomain -w wordlist.txt -target target.domain

Directories enumeration:

scilla dir -target target.domain

scilla dir -w wordlist.txt -target target.domain

Ports enumeration:

Default (all ports, so 1-65635) scilla port -target target.domain

Specifying ports range scilla port -p 20-90 -target target.domain

Specifying starting port (until the last one) scilla port -p 20- -target target.domain

Specifying ending port (from the first one) scilla port -p -90 -target target.domain

Specifying single port scilla port -p 80 -target target.domain

Full report:

Default (all ports, so 1-65635) scilla report -target target.domain

Specifying ports range scilla report -p 20-90 -target target.domain

Specifying starting port (until the last one) scilla report -p 20- -target target.domain

Specifying ending port (from the first one) scilla report -p -90 -target target.domain

Specifying single port scilla report -p 80 -target target.domain

Specifying wordlist scilla report -w wordlist.txt -target target.domain

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