YOUR Song Gifts

3 years ago

We have no jukebox.

What we have is a lot of song gifts from you my Patriots.

If I may, I would like to share them as a link in the intro section.

I will ask you each permission to submit your songs gifts as I have received them from you.

The idea is that, we may enjoy the songs in the background as we post comments.

One post may be from Adam's song playlist.

Another may be from someone who you might have once or still consider enemy.

No songs will be controversial.
All have been given to me in peace and harmony.

True gifts of peace and Unity.

What do you all think?

Give it a go?


I would like to title them by name of the Patriot who offered them to me.

So that you all may know your neighbor, Brother or Sister better.

I gotta find some graphics as well.

But the playlists will be in the intro section.

You must click here if you wish to hear the gifts.

What do you think?

Here is my possibly last song for now from my brother Josh Garrels.

It is called.. The Train Song.

If you all agree, may I start with you Guru?
Or perhaps our deceased once ''enemy"?

Or not at all?

Lemme know please.

This is your place.

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