Abuse Dynamics As An Explanation Of Conformity To Tyranny

3 years ago

What we are witnessing around the world are abuse dynamics from the micro level (individual) to the macro (collective). Trying to present evidence, facts and logic about the abuse to a person in an abusive relationship is much like trying to show people the evidence that the covid narrative is a massive deception. They don't believe you. They're more invested in the fantasy of what they want to believe about their partner or their government. The same thing that keeps a victim stuck in an abusive relationship is visible in society now because the abuse dynamics trigger the primal survival mechanisms of the human brain and nervous system.

Clip from Stiftung Corona Ausschuss (the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee ) Session 78 New Paths Out Of Trauma (with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Viviane Fischer and Meredith Miller)

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