Candace Owens Exposes CIA / Hollywood Pedophile Rings!

2 years ago

The ‘Hollywood pedophile ring’ conspiracy theory runs in parallel to the idea that there is an elite group of individuals in this country who are so powerful that despite routinely committing sex acts against children and despite our intelligence communities being fully aware of these acts, they go unpunished because those would-be criminals serve a higher purpose for our government. Essentially, prosecuting pedophilia ranks beneath other national interests.

Now, if you’re sitting back thinking, ‘Candace, that sounds crazy,’ then you’d be right. It is crazy. But our government does protect pedophiles. Last week, BuzzFeed, a publication for which I normally have very little respect, put forth a stunning piece of investigative journalism that I think deserves a Pulitzer.

The piece was ten years in the making. Journalists had to file 13 public record requests and three separate Freedom of Information Act lawsuits over nine years to access closed investigations pertaining to the CIA, until finally this year, the documents they requested were partially released to them. And here is what those documents reveal.

First, it says that there’s credible evidence from the last 14 years that suggests 10 CIA employees and contractors committed sexual crimes involving children. One employee had sexual contact with a two year old and a six year old. A second employee purchased three sexually explicit videos of young girls filmed by their mothers. A third employee estimated that he had viewed up to 1400 sexually abusive images of children while on agency assignments. Another employee signed an affidavit admitting that he used a government laptop to view photographs and videos of girls as young as 10 years old being abused by an older man.

One CIA contractor logged into a chat room and solicited sex from a child, only to discover that that child was actually an FBI agent posing as a child.

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