Ep 39: Protecting Personal Freedom with Aaron Delgrolice | The Courtenay Turner Podcast

3 years ago

In this follow-up conversation with wellness professional, Aaron Delegroce, he and Courtenay discuss the pressing health concerns mandated COVID regulations present to the collective. From the proven ineffective measures of masks not to mention their strikes to natural immunity, installation of fear to go to public places (30% saying they’d never go to a gym again), and the detrimental mental health consequences pertaining to quarantine orders, there’s much to consider when it comes to the “greater good.”

Aaron is the founder of H.F.T. supplements, a U.S.-based company dedicated to supplying clinically proven, quality ingredients that ensure safety and effectiveness to help consumers lead healthy, active lifestyles. Aaron has been in the fitness industry for an impressive 15 years, with specialties as a certified nutrition coach through Precision Nutrition, and Applied Movement Neurology Practitioner, and a Certified Personal Trainer through NSCA.

Connect with Aaron:
Website: https://www.hftsupplements.com/about/
Instagram: @hybridfitnesstraining
Follow & Connect with Courtenay:
Twitter: Courtenay Turner (@CourtenayTurner) :https://twitter.com/CourtenayTurner?s=20
Instagram: https://instagram.com/kineticcourtz?utm_medium=copy_link

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Video Edited By Griffo Productions

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