Introduction to No-Knead Turbo Rolls (World’s Easiest Dinner Rolls… Ready to Bake in 2-1/2 Hours)

3 years ago

This is a must watch video… it demonstrates a couple very simple techniques which make it easier to handle and shape no-knead dinner rolls. (1) An innovative process called “degas, pull & stretch” which uses the handle end of a plastic spoon to manipulate the dough (like a dough hook). The process reduces the size of the dough ball by 50% and replaces the process of folding. (2) I dust and coat the dough with flour in the bowl. No more sticky dough! When the dough comes out of the bowl it will be easy to handle and divide into portions. And (3) I use bakeware to shape the rolls. Just “plop” the dough in the bakeware and Mother Nature will shape the rolls.

This technique can be used to make dinner rolls using either the “Turbo” or tradition no-knead method. The advantage of the “Turbo Method” is… the rolls will be ready to bake in 2-1/2 hours.

The no-knead “Turbo Method” is truly the world’s easiest way to make rolls. It’s a fresh approach that provides you with an option. You’ll love it. So throw away your bread machine because you can make bread and rolls in a glass bowl with a spoon.

Thanks - Steve

Website: If you liked this video you will find it (and others like it) on my YouTube channel and website ( a website dedicated to providing quick & easy access to no-knead bread resources.

Cookbooks: This recipe and others like it are in… “My No-Knead Bread Cookbook”. Cookbooks are available on my website… and

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