100% Effective COVID-19 Cure - Chlorine Dioxide.

3 years ago

1. Google and Darpa made an ID PILL 7 years ago. There are many ways to manipulate you even if you dont take the vaxx.
2. DARPA Project Pandora Mind control with micro wave technology and MRNA MIND CONTROL. Now you see why they put graphene oxide in the vaxx.
3. Satanic Pedophiles Rule the World. This is old news but many never heard about it so its worth repeating. Cognitive dissonance makes it hard to believe for many people.
4. Tyler Nixon and Harrison Smith discuss the recent JFK file dump and the still unanswered questions. Trump covered up for the Bush family.
5. 100% Effective COVID-19 Cure - Chlorine Dioxide. One of the foremost advocates for this wonderdrug, Mark Grenon, is in prison in Bolivia on order from FDA
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