Cared For

2 years ago

We have a lot of goings and comings in this life season we are in. We never lack. God is an amazing provider and He does this through His Providential Care of us. Provider, Provision and Providential Care, we are so blessed, this human race, loved well by our God. There is nothing He did not plan for. He knows us, He knows our human condition and He is constantly working to better us, purposefully so. The best gift God gave us was His Son, Jesus, Who came here, to us, died our death, so we could live His forever life. God finishes what He starts and He will finish well on this side of heaven for us, His people. There is no doubt about this. God is on the move, with us, for us and is working His excellence into our character. There is never a moment when He is not with us or for us, wanting the best for our lives. Heart To Heart, I pray God blesses us in the all and the everything of our lives, I pray His blessing will be upon us, you and yours, being blessed by this amazing Awe God, Who created us purposefully so and will carry out His Sovereign Will for our good. The human race, with its human ways is loved unconditionally, and cared for perfectly by its Creator God. He does not leave us, He does not forsake us and no weapon formed against us will prosper. He does not do things in the way we are accustomed to; He does things His ways, which sometimes are not the way we would do it, but all the time, end very well. We experience this care every single day we are on this side of heaven, we are a blessed people and we should never underestimate God’s ability to take care of us. He blesses immensely in that way only He can. Dig Deeper:

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