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BREAKING: Living Organisms Found in Vials! - Soros DA's NAMED, Full Stalinist Attack on Patriots

3 years ago

The past year has really shown the power of a handful of Soros-run prosecutors to radically remake all of America. One man who faced down the political persecution while fighting for election integrity is Joshua Macias, he joins Stew today to discuss the hell he has been put through by Philly DA Larry Krasner.

For more than a decade, Nevada has consistently been in the blue column, but only barely, and that could change next year with the Hispanic vote trending red. Joey Gilbert is the front runner in the Republican primary for Governor in Nevada. He says his key issues are election integrity, Nevada schools, funding police, and criminal justice reform. Joey Gilbert joins us.

A group of South Korean doctors have banded together and now call themselves the "Korea Veritas Doctors for Covid 19." They have secured partial vials of the Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines, and upon close observation they claim to have observed "moving organism." Dr. Jane Ruby joins The Stew Peters Show to discuss.

Pastor Mike of Canada joins the Stew Peters Show to share the miracles happening in Canada and to offer encouragement to those who have lost everything due to vaxx mandates and lockdowns. Pastor Mike also issues a challenge to Stew's viewers in this exclusive segment with a Jesus-loving champion spreading the Gospel in Canada.

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  • 0/2000
  • Are there any reports of women getting pregnant after getting the jab? I know there are tons of stories and data about getting it while pregnant, but has anyone gotten pregnant after getting the death jab? I was just curious if the infertility is starting to show up yet.

  • It's making more and more sense why this technology that's been tried on animals, and in the animal studies done, ALL ANIMALS IN THE STUDIES DIED, not immediately from the injection, but months later, from other immune disorders, sepsis and/or cardiac failure. https://www.primarydoctor.org/covidvaccine

  • Right is wrong...wrong is right...left is right and right is left and the sky is brown... With all of that there are still politicians that still care about people and our money...This guy goes door to door and talks to people and he does it ALL the time in the summer...not just in election cycles...he is the Conservative member for Ottawa Carleton in Ottawa Pierre Polievve....yes ...unfortunately I am in communist Canada...We are about to get locked down for Christmas with the Moron virus exploding all over the country....40% of Canadians actually believe the lame stream media so they are running to get in line for their boosters HOWEVER...the majority of people are NOT getting their kids vaccinated. With Trudeau about to enact forced door to door vaccination I am wondering how that will go over and will the kids be included in this forced vaccination? They are also building re-education camps in Canada...scary stuff...its coming to a theatre near you EVERYONE...we all need to stand up...draw your line in the sand and make your stand...it doesnt matter what country we are in...we need to come together and stand together...most of all we need to pray...ALLOT!!! This guy is pretty funny and his best work is done in parliament as he is the finance critic...obviously the opposition as he is conservative and Trudeau is Liberal with a minority government...thank goodness https://www.youtube.com/c/PierrePoilievreMP/videos

  • Wow

  • So refreshing! Finally, some positive, spiritual news.

  • Replace Judges with a computer that follows the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Law. instead of corruption, bribes, felling's etc. .

  • bullets still work

  • Yeah, I got my Honorable Discharge, too. It's easy to see who the traitors are.

    1 like
  • Mr. Gilbert: Off-topic question: But what headset are you wearing? (I know that sounds silly, but I have been looking for that type for a while.) Serious question.