Jab Mandate Suspended at Boeing! A Victory By, For and Of The People!

2 years ago

The People have Spoken and Boeing Finally Listened. The Vaccination (Gene Therapy) mandate has been suspended.

Gail Golec interviews Boeings Rob Acker on the sweet victory for the People of Boeing.

We discuss what it took to get there and where we are now and what is next.

This fight is far from over, my fellow Americans. We need to continue to use our Voices!

Show up, Shout Out! It's Working!!

God Bless America!

Here is the link to Boeing's Statement:


Contact Boeing Patriots here: https://boeingpatriots.com/

It is through the election process that We have a peaceful transfer of power. We the People demand that We get Our Power of Our Sacred American Vote back!

We the People demand, legal, legitimate and transparent elections and that must start with Banning all the Machines!!

Please consider helping to support this battle to restore the Republic. My investigative journalism and activist role in fighting for freedom here in Arizona and across America speaks for itself. Americans want legitimate, legal, and transparent elections!!

You may donate to any of these three platforms. Thanks to you ALL in advance for watching and for your support!!

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