My Doggy is going to Ride in motorcycles

3 years ago

My Doggy is going to Ride in motorcycles
Most people do not think about dogs when I mention motorcycles. However, in the area where I live, there are only a few cars. And, those who do not ride horses almost always have bikes. Most of them are small, at least compared to the motorcycles in the U.S. and Europe, and the majority of them have a milk basket tied on the back luggage rack to carry dogs when out hunting, when driving cattle, or when heading into town to see the vet.

If you have the right breed, and you go about it correctly, having your dog ride in your motorcycle with you can work. In fact, it is a lot of fun. But, what kind of dog should you look for if you want a riding companion?

Types of Dogs That Do Well Riding Motorcycles
Small breed
Easy to socialize
Easy to train
Do Dogs Enjoy Motorcycle Rides?
No matter how carefully you choose your puppy, and how slowly you introduce him to your motorcycle, you will find that there are dogs out there that do not want to ride. I mainly use my motorcycle for driving on the beach when I want to go to the northern part of the island, and when I have tried to give my Pitbull a ride, she does not like it. She will run alongside, but even when tired, will not accept a ride. (I will stop after a while and let her rest. Maybe she has already figured me out, and knows that I am not going to abandon her at home or drive away and leave her).

If we were going on an all-day ride, and I added a sidecar to make her ride more stable, I think she would learn to accept the bike. When we get to the northernmost part of the beach, my Pitbull still has the energy to run home, but my Schnauzer is happy to jump on the bike for the ride home.

The Best Dog Breeds for Bikers
Shih Tzu

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