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Crusader Gal's Social Stream 12/16/2021

3 years ago

This live show covered an anti-white murder that's being covered up, the Danish minister who has been ordered jailed for protecting children from their abusers, the danger of our dependence on China, and more.


  • 0/2000
  • In addition to your content being spot on, AND it's impressive that this is a continuous take, and consistently look into the camera.

  • Democrat power grab and Sarah speaks calmly. Gypsy lesbians adopt a child, normal people complain to police, but the child is murdered by the lesbians, and Sarah is calm. I did not count the number of topics, but so many. Abortion topic was sobering, but I support family, not single parent. Topics are attention grabbers are described as such.

  • Story goes a poor Communist man hears some odd noise outside his dilapidated house and asks his wife to take a look and she tells him it's a truck unloading groceries into the grocery store at the corner and he's a bit confused. The poor man hears a gurgling noise inside and goes to look and it's water now gurgling out of the faucet left on many years ago and he's even more concerned, then the light bulbs flicker on and off and then they come on and stay on! He screams to his wife "Get me my AK-47 now!!!! , The whites are back! - Old Rhodesian.

  • I invite you to Google "Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development" for a good paradigm of thinking about moral versus legal. He divided moral reasoning into 3 levels: Preconventional (punitive-focused), Conventional (law and order focused) and Postconventional (ethics-focused). He considered these as a hierarchy with Postconventional being the most advanced. In class debates, I noticed that individuals, even those at the Preconventional level characteristic of children, tended to think their particular level of moral reasoning was the most advanced.

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