Billie Beene E274 121621 God Wins! Antartica Portal Opens! - Cabal Sent To Eternal Exile!

3 years ago

Billie is reporting on the following:

In this report by Billie, she gets more into some of the details of the meeting that has taken place by some of the Cabal meeting in Antarctica this month (December) with others. I have provided an additional link for those interested in reading the full report by Dr. Michael Salla.

Billie is reporting on much more and you do not want to miss the remainder of her report...

God, Bible, Patriot Subscribers + Gene Decode, Jeffrey Prather, Elena Danaan, Dr, Michael Salla, Shari Raye, Jean -Claude

bitchute ShariRaye 12-15-21

youtube Dr. Michael Salla -Cabal Ldr's go to Antartica to surrender to ET's and Alliance!

[My Note: For additional information on what Dr. Michael Salla has reported on the Cabal, I came across this website that gives more information. The title of the article is "Cabal leaders go to Antarctica to surrender to Extraterrestrials & Earth Alliance." Here is the link:]

Clearing prayer before ending prayer based on a model by Gene Decode: Father in the name of Jesus (whom many call Yeshua) guided by the Holy Spirit - we remove permission to be on us, in us or around us -on earth or OW (off-world) and in any dimension - any person, place or thing not of God and not of God any assemblage (Fallen Angels or demons), any AI, any nanobot, any form of tech, any non-terrestrial being, any species, any spirit, any form of operating system or genetic overlay - we say begone in the name of Jesus (Yeshua).

Contact and Support:
Billie Beene
POB 476
Sweeny, TX 77480


My channels are dedicated to providing truth in news and Bible teaching and innovative writing. Thank you for your support and encouragement! May God bless you and yours!

MY NOTE: If you have any comments you want to make on any of Billie Beene's reports, please click on the video title and it will take you to the source video and you will be able to give her your feedback or, you can email Billie. Here email address is noted above or you can mail her your comments. Again, her mailing address is provided above.


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