Pod Cast COVID-19 0122 17122021 01 How They Got You in Their Psychosis

2 years ago

Covid-19: 0122 16122021 01 How They Got You

What the vax and the virus have in common is that they both serve as catalysts for whatever you are suffering with at the time – known or unknown. They will amp up any issue that you have and quickly bring it to your attention.
The vaxx won’t be blamed and the conditions that people will acquire after the vaccination will be attributed to coincidence or inevitability.
Those people that survive the jabs and are healthy enough to be able to absorb the jabs are considered be the type of person for the post reset period if you don’t survive you not being considered suitable for the post reset, that’s why many people who have adverse side effects can be completely ignored in some places.
Soon the designer booster for the omicron version will be available no doubt as the 4th jab, just in time for the next mutation and guess what, that’s another jab 5 plus a specific booster for the new mutation. Say hello to jabs 6 & 7. The trend aimed for is two jabs per type or mutation, that’s a lot of jabs. We have never solved flu, in the history of mankind.
The real issue is still yet to come as on other PodCasts it was explained why Vaccinating during a pandemic is not advisable as the virus will protect itself when encountering a vaccine in a host (jabbed person) then it mutates to survive and then moves on in a new form as something else a close relative to the original but able to work around the initial vaccine defence wall.
Where I am led to understand that eventually the virus will reduce in virulency until almost extinct, then returns viciously as a super virus like a tsunami that we wont cope with before burning out completely. I do believe we are in a wind down phase now, but for how long.
The vaccinated must evaluate the immune systems before this time to see exactly what effect the jabs at that point in time have had on them personally and judge the status of themselves.
At some point soon someone will say let’s down grade to an endemic from pandemic. As this is still an experimental drug, but the hybrids won’t accept or understand that until its too late. And the chemical companies would delay and use influence to prevent this.
Meanwhile we have situation where the public programming has taken place on many levels in order to get the fear response that they need to start and keep the jab programme running.
Apart from the MSM and govts in lockstep with the fear factoring there has also been the programming of the subconscient causing hive type reactions in people. This means that within a person you will have the fears and programs in the subconscious and meeting the same programs in and throughout the subconscient almost acting as or a reinforcement of what you think you know.
What this does spiritually is that you get the sense that you don’t require further confirmation from the Higher Self as you already convinced yourself of your own truth on the matter, but of course that’s just you in survival mode.
Remember the great reset and beyond is about a certain amount of people not everyone and only the types that play the game. The earth is going through a game changer and is being repurposed by alien and demonic forces taking the planet to a new low for their purpose(s).
I have been saying for the last 25 years that to survive this you need to change to a working relationship with your Holy Spirit and function at that level or plainly you will not make it as you will be in limbo land trying to bring back the past, futile, you will be in the crossfire.
The one thing I noticed just prior to my corona episode was an increased amount of spiritual (negative) activity around me, this were the entities responsible in their part to lead me to the virus. I was shown this and asked to share it as the action is not all intellectual and political they work on multiple levels at the same time.
Getting the group herd to socially accept the has been used weaponised against us. Having us believe with no science that the vaccine will protect others in the group gives us a sense of righteousness and affinity. We all know by now that its (jab) for your own personal protection.
Next phase is your isolation, they get a lot out of this, if you’re a carrier you infect the innocents, if your not your sat wondering why healthy people need to be isolated, all you worst fears come to the surface, distancing, masking, jabbing with an impression will anything ever stop this makes you more dependant on the fake government media and all their experts in the field (but not them, they just receive the message and pass it on). They want you confused and very scared, so anger is the only logical reaction to something that confounds all the senses until its too late.
Then they imply that any of your actions or non-actions can result in someone else’s infection, this guilt trip continues until you see through the mind game. From this in isolation you have little else to focus on, so this starts to work on your mind and anger will need to be focused.
When your mind wanders into the area of other people then you start thinking the anti vaxxers are not interested in saving the planet and are a public health risk – TO YOURSELF. They are outside the herd group thinking so humanity like some primates start grouping and attacking as it territory to be won and kept (safe).
What they have done is program the sub-conscient of the mind space around us by programming it/bombarding it with thought in the mind stream, when your isolated this programming seeps into your mind and confirms what’s in the mind what the external programs have given you. This makes for confirmation in the mind that your feeling and idea’s are correct. Its all-subconscious activity none of it comes from the higher consciousness because most of the planet replaced that long ago with the MSM.
Now moving on they want us to have three jabs for the Omicron mutation – a variant that is only flu like. So the next mutation they want how many more jabs then? This Covid they do not want it to go there are hundreds of mutations now – TAKE A HINT, there will be a jab for each one until people stop questioning this but then its too late, your health status will be changed and the next phase of the reset is underway.
Has anyone looked at what are the interactions of the prescription medications with the vaccines or narcotics that drug users are taking?
So they are touting a third jab and the three more for Omicron. How many for the next one? Four more? And the ones after perhaps a new broad based vaxx once a month and then you covered for everything, that is what they are going to do, if your body can handle it or not. And it wont stop the super virus, as they don’t know what that will be or how it will present itself.

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