Free Dental Recall System

3 years ago

You spend time and money advertising your dental practice, but do you know which marketing campaigns are driving inbound phone calls?

Know What Makes:
Adit's Call Tracking software can help measure phone call conversions from your online and offline marketing campaigns. With Call Tracking, you are able to see exactly which calls are coming from each of your marketing mediums. For example, you can see which calls come from a Google Ad versus a patient who was already looking for you online.

Enable Call Tracking:
Set up phone numbers in less than 2 minutes and enable call recording. You can view all of the incoming calls from your dashboard and get a bird's eye view on all your phone conversations.

Dynamic Number Placement:
Show phone numbers on your website based on how patients find you. You can choose to show different numbers to patients based on if they find you via paid ads, organic search, Facebook ads, Yelp, and more!

Conversation Intelligence Tracks Your Calls And Shows Which Convert:
Artificial Intelligence listens to all incoming calls and scores those calls which convert. Conversions are measured based on if the patient books an appointment date and time.

AI also filters out those calls from:
- Current Patients
- Telemarketers
- Job Applicants

Coach Your Front Desk:
Use Call Tracking to see how your front desk performs with answering phone calls. Is your front desk missing too many calls? Diagnosing patients rather than booking them? Giving out pricing without permission?

On average, 88% of incoming lead calls are mishandled by the front desk. Use Adit's call tracking software to find these mishaps and address them.

Quantify Which Campaigns Drive Results:
Combining Dynamic Number Placement and Artificial Intelligence allows you to see which campaigns are driving results and which aren't. You can directly see which patients come from which campaigns and quantify the ROI.

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