Teddy Bear Jesus (Heart Warming Animation About Trusting In God)

2 years ago

Download the book for free @ https://LinkTr.ee/ALoveStrongerThanDeath (The Desire Of Ages) I cried 13 times reading this book. Download the original music on
iTunes/Amazon or everywhere! https://music.apple.com/us/album/teddy-bear-jesus-trust-me-single/1578497992?uo=4&app=itunes



It wasn’t the cross that killed Jesus. When Jesus embodied our sins, He lost connection with God for the first, and only, time ever. Jesus and God were always One. So, the absence of God was unfathomable. Jesus died from a broken heart. The physical torment on the cross was nothing compared to the emotional and spiritual agony that Jesus endured -- the agony of losing a loved one.

See what Jesus really went through for you, and feel His love like never before. Download the book for free! (E-Book or Audio Book!)

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