Behind the history of Moderna with Max Igan.

3 years ago

1. Behind the history of Moderna with Max Igan. Just connect the dots.
2. Pedophile Biden Declares “Winter of Severe Illness & Death” for Unvaccinated. “But there’s good news: If you’re vaccinated and you had your booster shot, you’re protected from severe illness and death — period.“ Just wait and see, you clown.
3. Watch: Parents Blast Teachers for Coaching Daughter Into Secret Trans Identity Behind Their Backs. Cultural Marxist sick teachers are destroying children.
4. Emergency doctor personally blows the whistle on the jabs, detailed info negative consequences in children etc . . . such as Myocarditis and Pericarditis.
5. Listen to dr Mengele on CNN. The vaccines dont work very well but together with the booster its pretty good. How can that murederer still walk free ?
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