CDC: 79% Omicron cases are FULLY vaccinated; 97% vaccinated Cornell shuts down as Covid spike

2 years ago

The omicron variant has spread rapidly to 32 states. The CDC reported that of the 43 omicron cases, 34 were fully vaccinated, which is 79% of the total cases. Of those fully vaccinated, 14 people, about one-third, had received their booster shots. And five of them had received their additional shots less than 14 days prior.

Cornell University is shutting down its campus because of a recent surge in COVID-19 cases. 97% of the overall population on the New York campus has been fully vaccinated.

The Fifth Circuit Court has struck down the ban on vaccine mandates for healthcare workers in 26 states. However, this issue will likely end up in the Supreme Court.

The real reason behind Biden’s Summit on Democracy:

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